Isolations made from 68 naturally infected peach, plum and sweet cherry nursery stock from the Niagara Peninsula and southwestern Ontario [Canada] yielded 30 pathogenic isolates of Agrobacterium. These isolates were separated into 2 groups by 17 physiological and biochemical tests. The predominant group, consisting of 27 isolates, was 3-ketolactose negative and corresponded to biotype 2, and the other, consisting of only 3 isolates, corresponded to biotype 1 of A. radiobacter var. tumefaciens sensu Keane, Kerr and New. Among the pathogenic isolates, 25 were sensitive and 5 were resistant to the bacteriocin produced by strain 84 of A. radiobacter var. radiobacter sensu Keane, Kerr and New.