A randomly selected sample of subjects aged 65 years and over was investigated to determine the prevalence of dementia. The sample, which was stratified by age, consisted of 559 subjects living in the community and institutions. It was estimated that 7.7% of those aged 65 years and over suffered from dementia. The disorder affected both sexes equally. There was a marked increase in the prevalence with age so that in those 80 years and over the prevalence rate of dementia was found to be 19%. Those suffering from dementia were significantly more likely to be receiving institutional care than those with normal intellectual function. Those with dementia used significantly more domiciliary services than did those with normal mental function and were more likely to require additional services not already provided. There was a particular need for district nursing supervision, day care and relief admissions. The high prevalence rate of dementia in the elderly, and the high use those suffering from the disorder make of both domiciliary and institutional services, should be appreciated in the planning of services for the elderly.