In the dog and cat cutting various recti muscles of the eye or the obliques does not result in squint because of the action of the 4-retractor bulbi. When in one eye of the cat, dog, or monkey the superior and external recti were interchanged, or the external rectus cut away and the superior rectus brought down in its place, there was readjustment so that the transposed muscles carried out coordinated movements in directions quite different from their original ones. This readjustment does not take place immediately, but involves, first, contraction of the transposed muscle in these conditions under which it would normally contract, then inhibiton of contraction, and, finally, contraction for coordinated movement in the new position. The time for readjustment was remarkably short, a matter of days. Elimination of the cortical eye area does not interfere with this readjustment once it is established.

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