Calc-silicate skarn veins in the limestone of Lough Anure, Co. Donegal

A remarkable series of wollastonite-garnet-idocrase veins occurs in the limestone quarries of Lough Anure in the Thorr area of Donegal. This locality lies on the extreme south of the one-inch Geological Survey of Ireland Sheet no. 9, and on the six-inch O.S. Sheet no. 41. S.E. In this area large isolated relics of Dalradian sediments are surrounded by a quartz-diorite which is highly modified at the contacts. This complex is intruded by an alkali-granite. The relict masses may be roof pendants or enclosures, and they are certainly structurally related to one another. It is the purpose of the present paper to describe the mineralization of one particular set of veins in a limestone forming part of one of the masses and exposed in two quarries about 300 yards SW. of the Lough Anure Technical School.