A Possible Relationship Between High-Extraction Cereal and Rickets and Osteomalacia

Rickets and osteomalacia are common among the Asian population of the united Kingdom.1,2 Rickets occurs in the neo-natal period, infancy and adolescence and osteomalacia in adult life, particularly in pregnancy. The condition is due to vitamin-D deficiency as shown by the demonstration of low levels of serum 25-hydroxychole-calciferol (25-H.C.C.) in affected patients and by their prompt theraputic response to low doses of vitamin-D.3 The reasons for the Asian population proneness to vitamin-D deficiency remain unclear. Low dietary intakes of vitamin-D, ultra-violet deprivation associated with the “purdah” way of life,4 skin pigmentation and mode of dress, a high dietary phytate intake5, and possible genetic differences in vitamin-D metabolism have all been incriminated.