The aerobic-anaerobic transition: re-examination of the threshold concept including an electromyographic approach

Summary The surface electromyogram (EMG) from the vastus lateralis muscle and the metabolic and respiratory parameters were studied simultaneously during an incremental exercise in order to identify EMG signal modifications during the aerobic-anaerobic transition. Subjects performed an incremental test on the bicycle ergometer from an initial work load of 175 W to exhaustion by steps of 25 W. Ventilatory flow (\(\dot V\) E), oxygen uptake (\(\dot V_{O_2 } \)) and carbon dioxide flow (\(\dot V_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\)) were recorded continuously. For lactate concentration determination, venous blood samples were collected during the final 30 s of each step. EMG signals were stored on magnetic tape. They were then converted into successive spectra to allow the study of EMG total power (PEMG) and mean power frequency (MPF) evolutions. A non linear increase in blood lactate reflected by a breaking point at 250 W was observed. A change in \(\dot V_E /\dot V_{O_2 } \) ratio occured at 275 W. PEMG value showed a non linear increase reflected by a breaking point at 275 W. MPF value increased from the first to the seventh step with a tendency to decrease at the last step. A great interindividual variance of EMG data was observed indicating the difficulty of correlating mean values of EMG parameters with mean values of blood lactate in order to explain sudden lactate increase by fast twitch fibre recruitment. However, comparison of individual EMG data suggests a progressive recruitment of fast twitch fibres as work load increases.