Telemicrobiology: Feasibility Study

Background Rural hospitals generally lack staffing with infectious disease specialists or pathologists. Without on-site pathologists, the range of microbiology services offered by clinical laboratories may be limited as well. Objective To study the feasibility of using static-image telepathology to evaluate Gram stains of microbiologic preparations. Materials and Methods In this retrospective feasibility study, three pathologists evaluated Gram stains of slides from 50 cases by two viewing modalities: static-image telepathology and conventional light microscopy. Digital video images of slides were captured at two magnifications (using 40× and 100× objective lenses) at 1024× 768× 24-bit color and transmitted over standard telephone lines at 14,400 kbps. Pathology reports and culture results served as "truth diagnoses." Categories of interpretations were correct, minor discrepancy, or major discrepancy with regard to the implications for patient care. Results The diagnostic accuracy of video image readings ...