Transplant of Acquired Resistance to Polyplax Serrata (Phthiraptera: Hoplopleuridae) in Skin Allografts to Athymic Mice

Further evidence is presented that acquired resistance of mice to lice is locally mediated. Normal, previously unexposed skin transplanted to athymic nude mice was readily colonized by lice and did not acquire resistance, but louse-resistant skin similarly grafted remained resistant for at least 12 weeks. It is inferred from these observations that capability for resistance was transferred with grafts of resistant skin to the nude recipients from which no contribution was necessary for the development of resistance, and that an intact T-cell contribution is necessary for development of resistance in normal skin. Such adequate contribution is not imparted to the nude host by grafts from normal donor hosts nor is such capability transferred to normal grafts from resistant skin grafted on the same animals.