The steady state of motion of a fluid between two infinite plane parallel boundaries is found for the case in which one of the boundaries is given a prescribed periodic motion normal to its surface, the other boundary being infinitely rigid or being assigned a coefficient of reflection. The excess pressure at any point in the fluid is found, being of particular interest at the boundary of the source where it has a term in phase with the velocity of the source and one in phase with its displacement. These terms pass through cyclical values as the distance between the source and reflector is increased, the first passing through sharp maxima, the second changing rapidly from negative to positive values at reflector distances of an integral number of half wave-lengths in the fluid. Application is made to the case where the source is the surface of a piezoelectric plate maintained in forced vibration. The equivalent electric network of the plate and coupled fluid column is found to be the same as that for the plate alone, with modified resistance and capacity coefficients, making possible consideration of the theory of the acoustic resonator interferometer in conjunction with driving and measuring circuits.