National technology policy and computer production in Asia‐pacific countries

The relationship of technology policy to economic and industrial development has become a subject of debate between those who argue that market forces should determine how technology is produced and used and those who believe that government has a role in supporting investment in technology use and the development of high‐technology industries. This article looks at the effects of national technology policy in promoting the production of computer hardware and software in Asia‐Pacific countries during the 1980s. It also analyzes the relationship between various environmental factors and computer production and looks at the interaction between environment and policy. It finds three types of environmental factors associated with level of computer production: human resources, in the form of scientists and engineers; the presence of complementary industries, particularly electronics production; and expenditures on research and development. It also finds that hardware production is higher in countries with national computer plans but that software production does not appear to be associated with efforts by the government to promote the computer industry.