The excited states of the antimony, phosphorus, and arsenic impurities in silicon have been investigated by subjecting samples to a uniaxial stress and observing the change in the electron spin resonance spectrum. The experiments were performed at 1.25°K and ∼9000 Mc/sec on silicon samples subjected to strains up to 103. From the reduction in the hyperfine splitting and the observed g anisotropy under strain the following results were deduced: For a deformation potential of 11 ev, the valley-orbit splitting (i.e., singlet-doublet spacing) for phosphorus was found to be 0.015 ev, for arsenic 0.023 ev, and for antimony 0.013 ev. For the difference in g values with H parallel (gII) and H perpendicular (g) to the valley axis we obtained for phosphorus-doped silicon, gIIg=(1.04±0.04)×103.