Excited Superdeformed Bands in 133Pr: Identification of the g9/2 Proton Orbital

Four superdeformed bands, consisting of γ-ray cascades of up to 15 transitions, have been found in the light rare earth nucleus 133Pr. This is the first observation of multiple superdeformed bands in the A130 mass region. These bands are populated weakly at 0.2%–1% of the reaction channel intensity. The single particle configurations have been identified as πg9/2[404]9/2+ for bands 1 and 2 and πh11/2[532]5/2 for bands 3 and 4. Dipole linking transitions between two superdeformed bands have been observed, branching ratios have been measured, and B(M1)/B(E2) ratios deduced. A B(M1) value for the πg9/2[404]9/2+ orbital of (1.7±0.2)μN2 (where μN is the nuclear magneton) has been extracted, based on the measured quadrupole moment for the 132Ce core.