Sweat‐gland carcinomas: prognosis related to histological type

A series of 10 sweat-gland carcinomas is reported. The ages of the patients at presentation ranged from 12-79 yr. Three tumors had shown long latent periods with a mass present for up to 20 yr. Prognosis was related to the histological subtype. Thus, 2 papillary syringocystadeno-carcinomas, one recurring cylindroma, one hybrid cylindroma/adenoid cystic carcinoma and 2 mucoid carcinomas were apparently all cured by surgery. Two mucoepidermoid carcinomas and one histologically malignant chondroid syringoma were not only histologically, but also clinically, malignant. The last case, a chondroid syringoma of benign histology, nevertheless proved to be clinically malignant.