Disseminated histoplasmosis in renal allograft recipients

Histoplasmosis, an opportunistic fungal infection endemic in the Ohio and Mississippi river valleys, is caused by a dimorphic fungus Histoplasma capsulatum. Most infections are asymptomatic or self‐limited febrile illness. Immunosuppressed renal transplant recipients are susceptible to a disseminated disease. We report 5 cases of disseminated histoplasmosis seen in our institute over a period of 25 years amongst 1074 renal transplant recipients. The duration of immunosuppression prior to the diagnosis of infection ranged from 84 days to 14 years. All patients had pulmonary involvement. Three patients recieved an antilymphocyte preparation and 1 patient received intravenous pulse steroids in the 3 months prior to the onset of infection. Histopathologic examination of the involved organ(s) provided rapid diagnostic information allowing early treatment with amphotericin B. All infections resolved with no relapses to date. In conclusion immunosuppressed patients are more prone to disseminated histoplasmosis. Early recognition and prompt treatment with amphotericin B resolved the infection without relapse.