Pulmonary vasoconstrictor responses to graded decreases in precapillary blood PO2 in intact-chest cat

The effects of graded changes in pulmonary lobar arterial blood PO2 and ventilatory hypoxia were investigated in the intact-chest cat under conditions of controlled lobar blood flow. A reduction in precapillary PO2 from systemic arterial levels to below 60 Torr increased lobar arterial pressure. Ventilation with 10% O2 increased lobar arterial pressure, and responses to ventilatory hypoxia and precapillary hypoxemia were independent but additive. The magnitude of the pressor response to precapillary hypoxemia was similar in experiments in which the lung was autoperfused with right atrial blood or cross-perfused with aortic blood from a donor cat breathing 10% O2. During retrograde perfusion of the ventilated lung, a reduction in pulmonary venous PO2 to 40 Torr did not affect inflow pressure. Sensor sites upstream to the alveolar-capillary region in segments of lobar artery unexposed to alveolar gas probably sense a reduction in precapillary blood PO2 and elicit a pulmonary vasoconstrictor response. The sensorsite in the precapillary segment is independent of sensors in the alveolar-capillary-exposed segment region, and the effects of stimulation of both sensors on the pulmonary vascular bed are additive. Sensors in the pulmonary veins evidently do not sense a reduction in PO2 in venous blood and elicit a vasoconstrictor response. Mixed venous blood PO2 may exert an important regulatory role in controlling pulmonary arterial pressure and pulmonary vascular resistance in the cat under normal and pathological conditions.