SUMMARY: The investigation is based on a series of reports on nervous disturbances of behaviour recorded on the health registers of pupils of the elementary grades of one of the Gothenburg school districts for the school years 1945–46 and 1946–47. The average ape of the children was 7 years. The information with reference to the nervous disturbances was in 20 per cent of the cases made by the parents' personally at the first medical school examination, in 13 per cent it was given in the form of answers in a questionnaire relevant to the child's state of health and familial conditions. Furthermore, the teachers have reported such nervous disturbances in 9 per cent of the children and in 2 per cent they were revealed at the routine school medical examination. The 879 pupils of the series have not been subjected to other examinations or questioning than that routinary in the Gothenburg elementary schools.