Experience has shown that the rate of cures following radiotherapy of carcinoma of the cervix, stage I, has not risen above 75 per cent despite technical improvements. Co-workers have tried to find the reason for this, with special reference to the action of locally applied radium. Our study includes the histories of 105 patients with carcinoma of the cervix, stage I, histologically verified in each case, treated from 1929 to 1941 with radium alone at the Curie Foundation. In fact, during that period the equipment of our departments was insufficient, so that we were not able routinely to combine, as we usually do now, external radiation with intracavitary curietherapy in each case. As a result, out of 228 patients (stage I) only 123 received intracavitary radiotherapy with external irradiation. One hundred and five received only local treatment with radium. CLINICAL ASPECTS OF THE LESIONS In the 105 patients observed,