Relation of Charged-KDecay toCPViolation

An SU(3) model is described which relates the rate of the charged-K decay K+π++π0 to the magnitude of CP violation. A weak-interaction Lagrangian for nonleptonic processes is constructed from octet currents in a Cabibbo frame under the hypothesis that the CP-conserving processes are described predominantly by an octet-dominant interaction Lagrangian, and that the CP-violating processes enter solely through the 27-dimensional representation of 8≈8. Three types of octet currents are used: Lμ, which is linear in the field operators, and Jμ and Kμ, which are bilinear and possess opposite C-transformation properties. It is shown that if only I=2 contributions enter into the 27 portion of the Lagrangian, then, approximating |KS and |KL by the CP eigenstates |K1 and |K2, the observed rate of the charged-K decay and θ=0.26 for the Cabibbo angle fix |η+|=5.38±103 and |η00|=3.12×103, of the proper order of magnitude. Introducing the experimentally observed departure of |KS and |KL from CP eigenstates and a renormalization constant for the K current yields |η+|=1.97×103 and |η00|=2.92×103, in good agreement with experiment.

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