Effect of high pressure on the electrical resistivity of the heavy-fermion compoundUBe13

The electrical resistivity ρ of the heavy-electron superconductor UBe13 was investigated over temperatures ranging from 1 to 300 K and at high pressures from 12 to 152 kbar. The temperature, Tmax, at which ρ attains a maximum increases linearly with pressure at two limiting rates: 0.25 K/kbar below ∼30 kbar and 0.65 K/kbar above ∼30 kbar. At low temperatures, the ρ-versus-T data can be described by the expression ρ=ρ0+AT2 over a temperature interval of ∼1 K at 12 kbar to more than 16 K at 152 kbar. The coefficient A can be related to the Fermi-liquid energy scale T* by A1/2T*. The pressure dependence of A1/2 also increases linearly with pressure at two limiting rates, with a crossover at about 50 kbar. The similarity in the pressure dependences of Tmax and A1/2 suggests that both parameters are proportional to a single energy scale, while the changes in pressure dependence of Tmax and A1/2 may represent a crossover from heavy-fermion to intermediate-valence behavior.