Zymogram and life-history studies on trypanosomes of the subgenusMegatrypanum

Of 13 Swedish dairy cows examined, 12 (92.3%) were found to be infected with trypanosomes by cultivation of blood samples. Of the two species of tabanid fly caught close to the cattle, 33.3% of theTabanus brornius and 8.6% of theHaematopota pluvialis were also found to be infected with trypanosomes on dissection. Isoenzyme patterns of trypanosome isolates from oneH. Pluvialis and from six cattle were identical, incriminating this fly species as a vector of the trypanosome. Comparison of these isolates with otherMegatrypanum isolates indicated that the Swedish parasites were a form ofTrypanosoma theileri and thatT. theileri and the badger parasiteT. pestanai are closely related. An isolate of aMegatrypanum from a buffalo (Syncerus caffer) in Kenya was entirely different fromT. theileri.