The olfactory receptors of Phoxinus are of at least two distinct types: those with ciliated tips, and those with rod-shaped tips to their dendrites. Both Phoxinus and Gasterosteus possess ciliated receptors with 4 to 6 cilia arranged in a ring on each dendritic tip. The cilia resemble non-sensory motile cilia in most respects. They are, however, shorter, and lack ‘arms’ on the outer ring of double fibrils. They also lack striated rootlets, but possess basal feet, which point towards the centre of the ring of cilia. The rod-tipped receptors contain three or more longitudinally oriented bundles of fibres. Microtubules are present in receptor dendrites, in supporting cells, and in ciliated non-sensory cells. Their mean diameter in dendrites is 180 Å. The different forms of receptor, and their function, are discussed.