Summary Diurnal changes in proliferative activity were investigated in tumour and small intestinal epithelium of mice bearing a transplanted mammary carcinoma. In addition to mitotic and labelling index studies, the metaphase-arrest technique with vincristine (VCR) was employed. In the tumour there was no clear evidence of a significant diurnal rhythm in proliferative activity but in the small intestinal epithelium such a rhythm was clearly demonstrated. A higher cell production rate (kB) measured by metaphase-arrest and higher labelling and mitotic indices were seen in the mid to late part of the dark period. The peak mitotic index was seen 3 to 6 h after the labelling peak in the small intestine. The basal third of the crypt which is believed to include the stem cell compartment of this tissue showed larger diurnal fluctuations in both labelling index and kB than the rest of the proliferative compartment.