Equation of state of solidHe4

Isochores of condensed helium have been measured between 0.1 and 2 kbar from T=2 K up to the liquid phase. With the results of these measurements and the equation-of-state (EOS) data in the literature the T=0 K isotherm was determined up to 6 cm3/mole. With use of the Mie-Grüneisen model for the thermal properties of the solid- and melting-line data from the literature, a complete EOS for condensed helium including the liquid along the melting line in the density range from 216 cm3/mole was developed. A tentative EOS, mainly based on extrapolations and calculations, is given up to 2.5 cm3/mole. The results are presented in extensive tables and compared with nearly all relevant data in the literature. Agreement and consistency is found in most cases within the stated experimental error.

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