Molecular characterization of a cryptic 2q37 deletion in a patient with Albright hereditary osteodystrophy‐like phenotype

The Albright hereditary osteodystrophy‐like (AHO‐like) syndrome was recently defined as a rare dysmorphic syndrome including brachymetaphalangism and mental retardation. This phenotype occurs in Albright hereditary osteodystrophy (AHO) but unlike it, the level of the Gs alpha protein activity is not reduced. To date 59 patients with these clinical and biochemical features have been reported, and for the majority of them (57/59) a cytogenetically visible 2q37 deletion has been observed. We report a new case of typical AHO‐like syndrome with normal karyotype. Using the polymorphic marker D2S125 we found a loss of heterozygosity suggestive of a de novo 2q37 deletion of maternal origin. This hypothesis was confirmed by FISH analysis with a subtelomeric 2q probe containing the D2S90 marker. Genotypic analysis allowed us to map the proximal breakpoint of the subtelomeric deletion within an interval delimited by D2S2338 (present) and D2S2253 (deleted). This 2q subtelomeric deletion as small as 4 Mb is to date the smallest one observed in association with a typical AHO‐like phenotype, and allows us to move the centromeric boundary of the AHO‐like critical region by 750 kb towards the 2q telomere.