New Methods of Interpretation of Track-Antoradiograms

The previous methods of evaluation of STD autoradiographs were practically limited to track counting by means of a microscope or a photograph. Numerous attempts to measure track density with the aid of electric instruments (e.g. Cross method) failed owing to the thickness of foils used, or cracks and other tracks not caused by particles. Counting takes much time and makes determination of inhomogeneities in track distribution or of a preferred orientation (e.g. in crystallization) difficult. A “Videomat” instrument was used for track counting. This optical measuring unit has a screen, on which a section of the autoradiograph can be monitored. This section may be automatically moved into any desired direction. This section evaluation set of the “Videomat” together woith a correspondingly drawn-up mathematical program (with track area and shape function indicated within certain tolerance) renders possible distinguishment of particle tracks from injuries and cracks.