A simple technique for applying small measured quantities of insecticides to insects

An apparatus is described for applying a very small volume (0.1–1.0 μl.) of an insecticidal solution to an insect. It comprises a length of precision-bore glass capillary mounted, with a calibrated scale, in one end of a short tube having at the other end a perforated rubber bulb; the capillary is filled to the required scale mark by applying cotton wool saturated with the liquid to its tip, and the liquid expressed by squeezing the bulb, with the forefinger covering the hole in it. It can be used in conjunction with a calculator consisting of two concentric rotatable discs bearing two pairs of scales, on one of which the insect weight (in g.) is apposed to the per cent, concentration (w/v) of insecticide to be applied, which enables the volume (in μl.) required to yield a given dose (in μl./g.) to be read from the other pair of scales. Both devices have been used successfully in field testing with locusts and other insects.