Domain-Mediated Dimerization of the Hsp90 Cochaperones Harc and Cdc37

Hsp90 is a highly conserved molecular chaperone that acts in concert with Hsp70 and a cohort of cochaperones to mediate the folding of client proteins into functional conformations. The novel Hsp90 cochaperone Harc was identified previously on the basis of its amino acid sequence similarity to Cdc37. Although the biochemical role of Harc has not been established, the structural similarities between Harc and Cdc37 suggest that it too may function to regulate the binding of client proteins to Hsp90. We report here that Harc forms dimers in vitro. Functional dissection of Harc revealed that both the N-terminal and middle domains contributed to its dimerization. Notably, dimerization of the middle domain of Harc was required for the binding of Hsp90, suggesting that dimerized Harc binds to Hsp90 dimers. The N-terminal domain of Harc made an important contribution to the dimerization of Harc by facilitating the interaction of Hsp70 with Harc-Hsp90 heterocomplexes. Harc was also found to heterodimerize with Cdc37 in vitro. Titration experiments revealed that Harc homodimerization was favored over heterodimerization with Cdc37 when both cochaperones were at similar levels. However, formation of Harc homodimers and heterodimers of Harc and Cdc37 was comparable when the level of Cdc37 was approximately 10-fold above that of Harc. Furthermore, homo- and heterodimerization of Harc and Cdc37 was a dynamic process. Thus Harc could potentially contribute to the regulation of the Hsp90-mediated folding of Cdc37-dependent protein kinases into functional conformations via dimerization with Cdc37.