Treatment of an Iatrogenic Petrous Carotid Artery Pseudoaneurysm with a Symbiot Covered Stent: Technical Case Report

OBJECTIVE AND IMPORTANCE: Surgery involving the middle ear or the temporal bone may cause an injury to the petrous carotid artery resulting in a pseudoaneurysm. Conventional treatment of such pseudoaneurysms has ranged from carotid occlusion to conservative management. The use of a balloon-expandable stent and/or Guglielmi detachable coils may be effective in a partially healed pseudoaneurysm. This report details the case of an acute petrous carotid pseudoaneurysm after a myringotomy procedure that was effectively treated with an expanded polytetrafluoroethylene-covered stent.CLINICAL PRESENTATION: During a right myringotomy procedure, pulsatile blood was encountered in a 42-year-old woman with a history of repeated ear infections and bilateral middle ear ventilation tube placement. The blood was adequately tamponaded with gauze packing. Computed tomography of the temporal bone demonstrated a dehiscent carotid artery, and cerebral angiography revealed a 6-mm right petrous carotid pseudoaneurysm.INTERVENTION/TECHNIQUE: An 8-French guide catheter was positioned via a transfemoral approach into the cervical right internal carotid artery, and the patient was systemically heparinized. A 4- × 31-mm Symbiot covered stent (Boston Scientific/Scimed, Maple Grove, MN) was passed over a Choice PT exchange wire (Boston Scientific/Scimed) to cover the neck of the pseudoaneurysm, obliterating the pseudoaneurysm. The patient was given aspirin and clopidogrel after stenting, and ear exploration was possible later the same day. Follow-up computed tomographic angiography performed 6 weeks later verified patency of the stent.CONCLUSION: The use of an expanded polytetrafluoroethylene-covered stent may effectively treat intracranial internal carotid artery pseudoaneurysms in an acute setting. This treatment allows preservation of the parent artery and immediate treatment by reconstruction of the incompetent arterial wall to prevent potentially life-threatening hemorrhagic complications.