Intracellular calcium translocation during contraction in vertebrate and invertebrate smooth muscles as studied by the pyroantimonate method

The intracellular localization of activator Ca and its translocation during the mechanical activity were studied on vertebrate and invertebrate smooth muscles by fixing muscle fibers with a 1% OsO4 solution containing 2% potassium pyroantimonate for electron microscopic examination. When guinea-pig tacnia coli, Mytilus anterior byssal retractor muscle, and Dorabella longitudinal body wall muscle were fixed during the relaxed state, electron-opaque pyroantimonate precipitate containing Ca was localized along the inner surface of the plasma membrane and at other membranous structures in close apposition to the plasma membrane, in accordance with physiological evidence that these muscles contain intracellularly stored activator Ca. When they were fixed during the contracted state, the precipitate was distributed diffusely in the myoplasm in the form of small particles, indicating the release of activator Ca from the peripheral structures. The contraction in dog coronary artery smooth muscle appears to be associated with the inward movement of extracellular Ca. In accordance with this, the resting coronary artery muscle fibers exhibited the precipitate in the lumen of the caveolae, i.e., the bottle-shaped plasma membrane invaginations, but not at the peripheral intracellular structures, though the contracted fibers showed the diffuse distribution of the precipitate in the myoplasm. These results indicate that the pyroantimonate method is very effective in studying the translocation of activator Ca in various types of smooth muscle.