Monoclonal rheumatoid factor–igg immune complexes. poor fixation of opsonic c4 and c3 despite efficient complement activation

Monoclonal IgM rheumatoid factor forms complexes with IgG in essential mixed cryoglobulinemia. We demonstrate that such complexes fix C3 and C4 poorly, although efficient fluid-phase C3 conversion can occur. Fixation of small amounts of C4 may be sufficient to generate a C3 convertase, but may prevent subsequent fixation of C3 by competing for binding sites on the complex. These complexes bind inefficiently to normal erythrocyte complement receptor type 1 (CR1) in vitro, and are undetectable on erythrocytes of patients with essential mixed cryoglobulinemia in vivo. Clearance of such phlogistic complexes from tissues by CR1-bearing cells may be inefficient.