Regulation of leptin production.

Fat mass is the primary determinant of serum leptin in humans with energy intake and gender also having significant effects. Gender influences leptin production through the reproductive hormones. Glucose metabolism links food intake to leptin production and hexosamine biosynthesis appears to play a significant role in this process. Catecholamines inhibit leptin production and the sympathetic nervous system has been proposed to be the efferent arm of the leptin signal transduction pathway between adipose tissue and the central nervous system. Additional regulators of leptin production include glucocorticoids, cytokines and agonists of PPAR gamma. In addition to adipose tissue, leptin is produced in several other places including placenta, bone marrow, stomach, muscle and perhaps brain, thus increasing the number of potential regulatory roles for this hormone. Future work will be needed to fully elucidate the mechanisms regulating leptin synthesis/release in each tissue as well as its regulatory functions.