The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of treatment of partial fecal incontinence with perianal injection of autologous fat. The study comprised 14 patients with partial fecal incontinence (9 women and 5 men). Ages ranged from 38 to 62 years. Fifty to 60 ml of fat were harvested from the abdominal wall and injected submucosally into the rectal neck at 3 and 9 o'clock positions. Mean follow-up was 18.6 months. All patients were continent during the first two to three postinjection months. At the sixth month, patients were divided into three scores. Score 1 (complete continence) comprised three patients who are now continent for 9, 11, and 14 months postinjection, with normalization of their rectal neck pressure. Seven patients with Score 2 were incontinent to flatus and were reinjected; they are now continent (Score 1) for a mean of 13.8 months and have normal rectal neck pressure. Four patients had Score 3 (no improvement), of whom two became continent after the second injection and two after the third. They are now continent (Score 1) 6 to 16 months postinjection. Factors that contributed to failure comprised injection of unwashed fat or wrong positioning of the needle. There was no fat migration or embolism. Perianal fat injection is effective in treatment of partial fecal incontinence. The technique is simple, easy, cost-effective, and performed on an outpatient basis.