Phosphorylase and succinic dehydrogenase activity in the guinea-pig brain was studied by means of a technique for improved localization. Phosphorylase activity was greater in the white matter than the gray, with axons giving an intense reaction. Although neurons with a strong positive reaction were found irregularly and scattered in almost any nucleus, in most nuclei of the medulla, pons, midbrain and diencephalon the neuropil showed a negative reaction. A strong reaction was frequently noted in the neuropil of the nucleus prepositus hypoglossi, medial vestibular nucleus, cochlear nucleus and mammillary bodies. Phosphorylase activity was found consistently in the upper layers of the cerebrum, molecular layer of the cerebellum, subependymal glial tissue and leptomeninges. Strong phosphorylase and weak succinic dehydrogenase activity coincided in the white matter, subependymal glial tissue and glial tissue of the raphe. The reverse activity states existed in the ependymal cells and in neurons and neuropil of many nuclei of the brain.