Evidence for a role of IFN γ in control ofListeria monocytogenes in T cell deficient mice

Summary The role of interferon (IFN) γ in controlling chronic infections ofListeria monocytogenes (Listeria) was studied in athymic C57BL/6nu/nu mice, and by treating thymectomized C57BL/6 +/+ mice with monoclonal rat CD4 and CD8-specific monoclonal antibodies (Mab). Mice treated with a combination of the two T cell subset antibodies were similar to athymic, nude mice in being able to contol Listeria infection, keeping the titers below 3–5 log10 bacteria per organ, but they could not eliminate them completely. Treatment with antibodies to IFN γ of nude or CD4+ + CD8+-T cell-depleted mice suffering from chronic Listeria infection caused a marked increase of Listeria titers, in liver and spleen. This result implies a role of IFN γ in maintaining anti-Listeria resistance in mice lacking mature T cells.