Insecticide‐treated bednets reduce mortality and severe morbidity from malaria among children on the Kenyan coast

Summary: New tools to prevent malaria morbidity and mortality are needed to improve child survival in sub‐Saharan Africa. Insecticide treated bednets (ITBN) have been shown, in one setting (The Gambia, West Africa), to reduce childhood mortality. To assess the impact of ITBN on child survival under different epidemiological and cultural conditions we conducted a community randomized, controlled trial of permethrin treated bednets (0.5 g/m2) among a rural population on the Kenyan Coast.Between 1991 and 1993 continuous community‐based demographic surveillance linked to hospital‐based in‐patient surveillance identified all mortality and severe malaria morbidity events during a 2‐year period among a population of over 11 000 children under 5 years of age. In July 1993, 28 randomly selected communities were issued ITBN, instructed in their use and the nets re‐impregnated every 6 months. The remaining 28 communities served as contemporaneous controls for the following 2 years, during which continuous demographic and hospital surveillance was maintained until the end of July 1995.The introduction of ITBN led to significant reductions in childhood mortality (PE 33%, CI 7–51%) and severe, life‐threatening malaria among children aged 1–59 months (PE 44%, CI 19–62). These findings confirm the value of ITBN in improving child survival and provide the first evidence of their specific role in reducing severe morbidity from malaria.