Complotype genetic loci segregate more frequently with HLA-DR than with HLA-B

The loci for BF, C2, C4A, and C4B are very closely linked to each other so that alleles of these plasma protein markers occur in populations in linkage disequilibrium and are inherited as single genetic units called complotypes. These complotypes are coded by a DNA region of the short arm of chromosome 6 embracing approximately 100 kilobases, which serve as a marker of the major histocompatibility complex. We have studied the complotypes of nine families with known HLA-B/DR crossovers. In seven families, the complotypes were inherited with HLA-DR, including in one family with a double recombination. The haplotype HLA-A28, Cw1, B27, FC3, 20, DR4 of JTr resulted from two recombinations between HLA-A2, Cwl, B27, SC42, DR7 and HLA-A28, Cwx or Cw1, B37, FC3, 20, DR4. In the remaining two families (Ro and Lo) the complotypes were inherited with HLA-B. The haplotype A2, Cw5, Bw44, SC30, DR3 of StLo resulted from paternal recombination between the haplotypes A2, Cw5, Bw44, SC30, DR4 and A24, B8, SC01, DR3, and the haplotype A24, Cw4, Bw35, SC31, DR3 of NaRo resulted from maternal recombination between A24, Cw4, Bw35, SC31, DR4 and A26, Bw41, FC31, DR3. Our data suggest that the complotype region maps closer to HLA-D than to HLA-B.