Motionless Movies of Myocardial Strain‐Rates using Stimulated Echoes

We present methods to acquire and analyze NMR movies of myocardial strain rates in which cardiac motion is suppressed and the histories of strain rates are accurately defined for each voxel of myocardial tissue. By means of stimulated echoes, the myocardial strain-rate tensor is phase-encoded at progressive delays in the cardiac cycle while the slice-select and spatial encoding of the image acquisition are performed at a constant cardiac delay. In these data, every image shows the identical myocardial tissue, and the anatomic configuration of the heart appears motionless. The myocardial strainrate data, however, indicate the state of motion which existed in this slice at the time of the velocity phase-encoding, and these data evolve with the progressive delay as a movie. Using echo-planar MRI, motionless movies of myocardial strain rate of four to eight cardiac delays are obtained in a breath-hold. As an application, a quantitative characterization of cardiac mechanical synchrony is accomplished by principal component analysis (PCA) of the time series of strain rates.