The diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis in 6 patients within one year has been the stimulus for this report. The only articles dealing with cutaneous leishmaniasis on the Isthmus of Panama are 4 case reports, all published over thirty years ago, by Darling,1 Herrick,2 Darling and Connor3 and Bates.4 Brosius5 has recorded 2 proved cases from the western part of Panama near Costa Rica. The distribution of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Central and South America has been summarized by Shattuck.6 In the forty year period from May 1904 to May 1944 there have been over 500,000 admissions to Gorgas Hospital and over 40,000 surgical specimens have been examined at the Board of Health Laboratory, Ancon, Canal Zone. From these records I have been able to collect 15 cases of proved cutaneous leishmaniasis. The data of these cases are summarized in the table. Only