Deleterious Effects of Complement Activation on the Lungs during Extracorporeal Circulation and Its Inhibition by FUT-175

The purpose of this paper is to review the deleterious effects of complement activation during extracorporeal circulation on the lungs and to discuss the feasibility of FUT-175, a new synthetic protease inhibitor, as a com plement activation inhibitor. Complement activation causes leukocyte ag gregation and aggregated leukocytes behave as microemboli in the pulmonary vessels. Anaphylatoxins produced by complement activation have potent vaso active properties and many chemical mediators are also released from leuko cytes. FUT-175 might be effective to inhibit complement activation during car diopulmonary bypass (CPB). Although deleterious effects of CPB on the lungs are multifactorial, we hypothesize that complement activation may play a ma jor role in lung injury during CPB.