Effect of annealing on generation of magnetoelastic waves in amorphous wires, and their application.

The effect of annealing on the generation and detection characteristics of magnetoelastic waves (MEWs) is studied in Fe77.5Si7.5B15 amorphous wires. Annealing after wire-drawing is found to be exceedingly effective in improving the efficiency in a high frequency region. The wire-drawing is indispensable to get rid of inhornogeneities which may scatter the high frequency MEWs. The annealing is necessary to soften a magnetic hardness arising from the wiredrawing. It is found that a partial annealing develops a highly sensitive small region to a driving magnetic field in the sample wire which is made insensitive to the driving field by a wire drawing. This small region serves as an excellent source which is preferable to generate high frequency MEWs.

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