Turbulent magnetic reconnection

The effects of turbulence on magnetic reconnection are investigated by two‐dimensional spectral method magnetohydrodynamic computations. The nonlinear evolution of the periodic sheet pinch configuration is studied as an initial value problem. Turbulence is initiated by including a low level of broadband fluctuations in the initial data. Nonlinear features of the evolution, appropriately described as turbulence, are seen early in the solutions and persist throughout the runs. Small‐scale, unsteady coherent electric current and vorticity structures develop in the reconnection zone, resulting in enhanced viscous and resistive dissipation. Unsteady and often spatially asymmetric fluid flow develops. Large‐scale magnetic islands produced by reconnection activity, undergo internal pulsations. Small‐scale magnetic islands, or ‘‘bubbles’’ develop near the reconnection zone, prodcing multiple X points. Large‐amplitude electric field fluctuations, often several times larger than the reconnection electric field, are produced by large island pulsations and by motion of magnetic bubbles. Spectral analysis of the fluctuations show development of broad band excitations, reminiscent of inertial and dissipation range spectra in homogeneous turbulence. Two‐dimensional spectra indicate that the turbulence is broadband in both spatial directions. It is suggested that the turbulence that develops from the randomly perturbed sheet pinchbears a strong resemblence to homogeneous magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, and that analytical theories of reconnection must incorporate these effects.