The commercial preparation of Verticillium lecanii (Zimmerman) Viegas, ‘Vertalec’, was used to examine effects of a range of high humidities on transmission and sporulation using Myzus persicae (Sulzer) as host. All experiments were run at 20°C. Maximum transmission occurred only when relative humidity was 100% and free water was present. Lower humidities delayed and inhibited transmission, with little transmission occurring at 93% and none at 80% RH. Similarly, sporulation from disease-killed cadavers was delayed and inhibited below 100% RH, with virtually no sporulation at 80% RH. Spray deposits of ‘Vertalec’ required at least 36 h at 100% RH to become infectious. By 96 h after spraying, 94.5% of M. persicae had become infected. Implication of these results for control of aphids in greenhouses is discussed.