Effect of Fine Structure on Nucleon Transfer to Analog States

We extend our previous distorted-wave Born-approximation treatment of reactions of the form A(d,p)B (in which B is an unbound state) to include the case where B is (a) dissolved into a fine structure of resonances that may overlap strongly, and (b) unstable against emission of other particles in addition to the transferred particle n. We assume that the reaction is strongly peripheral and goes through the n+A channel of B via the np interaction. We discuss the cross section for an experiment in which only particle p is detected, while the decay products of B are not observed or identified. For an isobaric-analog resonance we find that the cross section is proportional to Γncos2(δN+φ), where Γn is the n escape width, δN is the nuclear background phase shift, and φ is the asymmetry phase. The cross section is entirely determined by the gross-structure parameters of the resonance, and does not depend on the nature of the fine structure. For the reaction Mo92(d,n) to d52 (8.40-MeV), s12 (9.33-MeV), and d32 (9.91-MeV) analog states, we find that the effect of δN+φ is negligible.