The Effect of Breeding System on Polymorphism in Mitochondrial Genes of Silene

Gynodioecy is a breeding system characterized by the co-occurrence of hermaphrodite and female individuals, generally as the result of nuclear–cytoplasmic interactions. The question remains whether the genetic factors controlling gynodioecy are maintained in species over long evolutionary timescales by balancing selection or are continually arising and being replaced in epidemic sweeps. If balancing selection maintains these factors, then neutral cytoplasmic diversity should be greater in gynodioecious than hermaphroditic species. In contrast, epidemic sweeps of factors controlling gynodioecy should decrease cytoplasmic diversity in gynodioecious relative to hermaphroditic species. We took a comparative approach in which we sequenced two mitochondrial genes, cytochrome b (cob) and cytochrome oxidase (cox1), for multiple populations of several hermaphroditic, gynodioecious, and dioecious species in the genus Silene. Breeding system was predictive of polymorphism. Gynodioecious species harbor many old haplotypes while hermaphroditic and dioecious species have little to no nucleotide diversity. The genealogical structure of neither gene departed from neutral expectations. Taken together, our results suggest that balancing selection acts on cytoplasmic male-sterility factors in several gynodioecious species in the genus.