Some Physico-Chemieal Parameters of Soot Formation During Pyrolysis of Hydrocarbons

Soot formation under isothermal conditions during pyrolysis was investigated for the following hydrocarbons: methane, acetylene, benzene, toluene and p-xylene. Over the temperature range 1150- 1400°C the soot particle number density was shown to depend linearly on the hydrocarbon concentration for all hydrocarbons investigated. Activation energies of soot particles aerosol formation were demonstrated to be within the limits 313—340 kJ/mol. Expressions to calculate the particle number density and the soot surface area were obtained. The particle number density and the soot surface area are the parameters applicable for a quantitative estimation of hydrocarbons tendency to soot formation during pyrolysis. Relative to methane this tendency of hydrocarbons investigated is arranged as follows: acetylene: benzene: toluene: p-xylene: methane, 8.8:8.2:6.6:4.5:1.0.

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