Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) have been considered as the leading candidate for nanodevice applications ranging from gene therapy and novel drug delivery to membrane separations. The miniaturization of DNA-nanotube devices for biological applications requires fully understanding DNA-nanotube interaction mechanism. We report here, for the first time, that DNA destabilization and conformational transition induced by SWNTs are sequence-dependent. Contrasting changes for SWNTs binding to poly[dGdC]:poly[dGdC] and poly[dAdT]:poly[dAdT] were observed. For GC homopolymer, DNA melting temperature was decreased 40 degrees C by SWNTs but no change for AT-DNA. SWNTs can induce B-A transition for GC-DNA but AT-DNA resisted the transition. Our circular dichroism, competitive binding assay and triplex destabilization studies provide direct evidence that SWNTs induce DNA B-A transition in solution and they bind to the DNA major groove with GC preference.