Four methods of surgical treatment of chondromalacia patellae have been evaluated after periods ranging from two to thirty years (average seven years), to discover the success rate, complications and indications for each. A total of 140 operations had been performed in 98 patients. Overall, satisfactory results were achieved in 25 per cent after forty shavings of the patellar cartilage, 35 per cent after twenty cartilage excisions and drilling of the subchondral bone, 60 per cent after twenty medial transfers of the patellar tendon and 77 per cent after sixty patellectomies. Thirty-four primary patellectomies gave 82 per cent satisfactory results compared with 62 per cent after twenty-six patellectomies performed after a previously unsuccessful operation. The results were worst in patients below twenty years of age especially women and in those with Grade IV changes in the patellar cartilage. Weakness of the quadriceps after any procedure predisposed to an unsatisfactory result. Extensive late radiological degenerative changes in the knee were not seen. On the basis of the results in this report, patellar tendon transfer is recommended in adolescents and athletes with Grade I, II or III changes in the patellar cartilage. In adults over twenty years of age with Grade I and II changes cartilage excision and drilling is satisfactory. In adults with Grade III and adults or adolescents with Grade IV changes patellectomy is the treatment of choice.