Evidence That Sucrose Loaded into the Phloem of a Poplar Leaf Is Used Directly by Sucrose Synthase Associated with Various β-Glucan Synthases in the Stem

Sucrose (Suc) synthase (SuSy) is believed to function in channeling UDP-Glc from Suc to various β-glucan synthases. We produced transgenic poplars (Populus alba) overexpressing a mutant form (S11E) of mung bean (Vigna radiata) SuSy, which appeared in part in the microsomal membranes of the stems. Expression of SuSy in these membranes enhanced the incorporation of radioactive Suc into cellulose, together with the metabolic recycling of fructose (Fru), when dual-labeled Suc was fed directly into the phloem of the leaf. This overexpression also enhanced the direct incorporation of the glucosyl moiety of Suc into the glucan backbone of xyloglucan and increased recycling of Fru, although the Fru recycling system for cellulose synthesis at the plasma membrane might differ from that for xyloglucan synthesis in the Golgi network. These findings suggest that some of the Suc loaded into the phloem of a poplar leaf is used directly by SuSys associated with xyloglucan and cellulose synthases in the stem. This may be a key function of SuSy because the high-energy bond between the Glc and Fru moieties of Suc is conserved and used for polysaccharide syntheses in this sink tissue.