New multipole wiggler/undulator beamline (BL-16) at the Photon Factory

Design and experience of the initial operation of a new beamline (BL-16) for a 3.6-m-long, 53-pole wiggler/undulator constructed at the Photon Factory are described. The insertion device has hybrid permanent magnets with a period of 12 cm and a maximum magnetic field of 1.47 T. In the undulator mode, the energy of the fundamental peak can be varied from 40 to 400 eV. In the wiggler mode, an x-ray beam (critical energy of 6 keV) 50–100 times more intense than that from the bending magnets is obtained. The beamline consists of two time-shared branch lines: a side beamline for soft x-rays in the undulator operation, to which photon beams are deflected sideways by a cylindrical SiC mirror, and a straight line for hard x rays under the wiggler operation. On the hard x-ray line, a fixed-exit sagittal-focusing double-crystal monochromator has been installed and commissioned. Collimating and refocusing mirrors will be installed in 1989. On the undulator beamline, a soft x-ray monochromator utilizing sophisticatedly devised aberration correction optics is commissioned.

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