Effect of glove occlusion on human skin (II)

Gloves are indispensable in many occupations. Irritant skin reactions from gloves have, however, been reported. In the present study, the effect of long‐term glove occlusion on normal skin (6 h/day for 14 days) was studied and, in addition, the effect of a cotton glove worn under the occlusive glove was also studied. 2 studies were performed (studies A and B). Study A: 19 volunteers wore an occlusive glove on normal skin 6 h/day for 14 days. They wore the glove on one hand only, while the other hand served as control. Study B: 18 volunteers wore occlusive gloves on both hands on normal skin. A cotton glove was worn under the occlusive glove on either the left or the right hand. Skin barrier function was evaluated by measurement of transepidermal water loss (TEWL) (Evaporimeter) skin hydration by electrical capacitance (Corneometer) and inflammation by erythema index (Derma‐Spectrometer). The gloves used were hypoallergenic non‐latex gloves. Results Study A: glove occlusion on normal skin 6 h/day for 14 days had a significant negative effect on skin barrier function, as measured by TEWL. Study B: the negative effect on skin barrier function from occlusive gloves was prevented by the use of a cotton glove. It is concluded that gloves may be a substantial factor in the pathogenesis of cumulative irritant contact dermatitis, and that recommendations as to their use are important.